As some of you know, I have a love for St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. She came into my life through an unexpected devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which my husband and I enthroned our home to just after getting married. As I came to learn more about the Sacred Heart, this saint of course took a special place in my spiritual life as she is the woman we should thank for this increased awareness to the immense love of Jesus. And in addition to that, she just so happens to be the confirmation saint of my mother in law! There are rarely coincidences when it comes to our faith, don't you think?
In honor of her feast day I am making a tasty French inspired lunch, Spinach Bacon Quiche. I like this recipe because it's very light and can be served with a little arugula salad, veggies, or even a side soup.
Pull out your ingredients and lets get cookin'!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Bake Time: 35-45 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes to 1 hour
Servings: 8-10
1. 1 - 9 inch pie crust, I had one from scratch that was in my freezer but feel free to grab one pre-made from the grocery story. Also why you don't see mine pictured.
2. 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
3. 6 large eggs
4. 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
5. 2 cups chopped fresh spinach
6. 2 cups chopped fresh mushrooms
7. 6 slices of bacon, cooked and chopped
8. Salt and pepper to taste

Begin by preheating your oven to 350 degrees and lay your pie crust into your pie dish. You can keep the crust from shrinking by putting dry beans or rice on top of parchment paper and keep it there for about 8-10 minutes.
While that is resting, let's give our other ingredients some attention!
Cook your bacon in a skillet and dice it up so that it will be ready for later.
Crack 6 eggs into a bowl!

Measure out 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream and pour that into the bowl of eggs.

Add a little salt and pepper to taste, no measuring needed.

Shakey, shakey!
Now whisk that together thoroughly to make sure that your eggs are completely blended into the mixture.

If you used the rice or dry beans trick, remove that now so we can dump in the other ingredients.
Chop 2 cups of fresh spinach and toss it evenly into the pie crust.

Grab the ingredient from Heaven, what might also be popularly known as bacon, and sprinkle that on top of the spinach.

Chop 2 cups of fresh mushroom and add that on top of the bacon. You may be thinking, what's up with this arrangement? My husband does not do mushrooms but I love them, so half for me and half for him!

Now for the chhheeessseee! Add in 1 1/2 cups mozzarella. Some people do this first, but I do it before the wet ingredients so that the cheesy goodness spreads throughout the center.

This is beauty.

Pour your egg mixture over the top, easy cheesy! If you'd like you can do another sprinkle of salt and pepper, then slide it into the oven for 35-45 minutes.

You will know it is ready when the eggs are set. You can test this by doing one of two, very professional, things. You can poke it with a toothpick and pull it out slowly to see if there is any wet egg texture remaining, or you can give it a little shake to see how it moves. If it's finished, it really shouldn't move all that much.

There you have it, a beautiful, French lunch to serve for the feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Let it cool before slicing and while you do that you can read to or with your family the
12 promises of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary for those devoted to the Sacred Heart.
I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
I will establish peace in their families.
I will console them in all their troubles.
They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of their death.
I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.
Tepid souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.
I will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.
Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be effaced.
The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Prayer
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, your life of prayer and devotion to Jesus was that of a prolonged discussion with an intimate friend. Help us to dialogue with Jesus like you, knowing Him and loving Him in the hiddenness of the tabernacle.
Did you make this recipe? If so I would love to see it, drop a picture in the comment or send it to me on social media Facebook @HisGirlSunday.
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