This blog post was written in collaboration with my followers, and together we have compiled the most supreme booklist that every Catholic household should own. You will certainly want to bookmark this post for later as you stock your Amazon carts and peruse your local book shops. From liturgy, to saints, to spirituality, this list has all of the essentials. If we missed one, I warmly welcome you to leave a comment so that other viewers can see your recommendations too.
No more dilly-dallying, let's get to the books. Keep in mind this would be in addition to the two obvious must-haves, the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Always keep the holy book in your hands, that it may nourish your soul by devout reading. -St. Jerome
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas á Kempis
The Raccolta
Monastic Diurnal
Divine Intimacy
Household Blessings
The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times
The Liturgical Year by Dom Gueranger, 15 Volumes
Lives of the Saints
Daily Missals
Pope Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth
Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila
Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales
Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen
Confessions by St. Augustine
The Didache
The Summa Theologiae by St. Thomas Aquinas
Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton
Only God knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book. -St. John Bosco
Tell me in the comments which of these books you've read and if any of them are your favorite.
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